Tomas Ferreira Domingues

Tomas Ferreira Domingues

Tomas Ferreira Domingues has been working since 2013 as an assistant professor at the Biology department at FFCLRP-USP. He has a bachelor’s diploma from IB-USP, PhD from Univ. of Utah and has held postdoctoral positions at Univ. of Edinburgh and IAG-USP. He has specialized in tropical plant ecology, focusing his research on the use of ecophysiological approaches to understanding carbon and nitrogen biogeochemical cycles, rainforest and savanna functioning, global changes, and the interconnections with human societies. Dr Domingues work aims to translate ecophysiological knowledge of vegetation functioning into useful forms that are directly applicable to land-surface (vegetation-atmosphere) modelling schemes. Consequently, he is also interested in the influence of tropical forests and savannas over global climate and how tropical ecosystems will cope with ongoing global and local changes.