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Análise de mapeamento de biomassa e carbono no estado de São Paulo
Esta Nota Técnica apresenta os resultados preliminares do mapeamento da biomassa acima do solo e do potencial de aumento da biomassa no futuro no estado de São Paulo.

Restauração de Ecossistemas: Financiamento por meio de blended finance e fundos de biodiversidade
Esta Nota Técnica apresenta fontes de financiamento nacionais e internacionais para a restauração de ecossistemas e a conservação da biodiversidade, visando apoiar o desenvolvimento de políticas públicas de restauração de paisagens e ecossistemas.

Contribuições ao Plano de Ação Climática do Estado de São Paulo
The strategies were created based on the premises that ecosystem restoration should expand the state’s capacity to mitigate climate change and, at the same time, contribute to the adaptation to the changes that are already taking place.

A summary of the seven actions proposed by the Biota Síntese Plan.

Presentation on Biota Synthesis

Coproduction of Public Policies, by Patricia G. C. Ruggiero

Zoonotic Diseases, by Raquel Carvalho

Nature-Based Solutions: Ecological Intensification of Agriculture by pollination and pest control

Restoration of forest landscapes and forest-based economy

Disease prevention in urban areas

Scientific Paper
.; RESENDE, A. F.; AMAZONAS, N.; ALMEIDA, C. T.; ALMEIDA, D. R. A.; SILVA, C. C.; ANDRADE, H. S. F.; RODRIGUES, R. R.; BRANCALION, P. H. S. Potential native timber production in tropical forest restoration plantationsPerspectives in Ecology and Conservation. 21 (4), 294-301, 2023.

Scientific Paper

RESENDE A.F., GAVIOLI FR, CHAVES RB, METZGER JP, PINTO LF, PIFFER PR, KRAINOVIC PM, FUZA MS, RODRIGUES RR, PINHO M, ALMEIDA CT. How to enhance Atlantic Forest protection? Dealing with the shortcomings of successional stages classificationPerspectives in Ecology and Conservation 2024

Scientific Paper

LORENZ R SCHIMETKA, PATRICIA GC RUGGIERO, RAQUEL L CARVALHO, JELLE BEHAGEL, JEAN PAUL METZGER, NATHÁLIA NASCIMENTO, RAFAEL B CHAVES, PEDRO HS BRANCALION, RICARDO R RODRIGUES, PEDRO M KRAINOVIC. Costs and benefits of restoration are still poorly quantified: evidence from a systematic literature review on the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Restoration Ecology.

Scientific Paper

BISPO. J. P. S.; ROMANELLI J. P.; GARDON, F. R.; KRAINOVIC, P.; RESENDE, A.; RODRIGUES, L.; PIOTTO, D.; RODRIGUES, R. R. Multifunctional Forest Restoration in Brazil: A Critical Analysis of the Trends and Knowledge Gaps in the Scientific Literature. Sustainability. 15 (22), 15782, 2023.

Magazine article
PEDRO MEDRADO KRAINOVIC. Um futuro de base florestal. Ciência hoje 2022, edition 387; Comunication magazine
Chapter book 
RESENDE, AF; KRAINOVIC, PK; WEIDLICH, E; BRANCALION, PHS; STRASSBRUG, B; RODRIGUES, RR; LOYOLA, R. Book Chapter (accepted for publication). 2023. Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, 3rd edition, Elsevier. Chapter Forest Restoration.
Chapter book 
RESENDE, AF; KRAINOVIC, PK; WEIDLICH, E; BRANCALION, PHS; STRASSBRUG, B; RODRIGUES, RR; LOYOLA, R. Book Chapter (accepted for publication). 2023. Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, 3rd edition, Elsevier. Chapter Forest Restoration.
Chapter book 
KRAINOVIC, P. M.; EMER, C. ; MELLO, J. ; LIMA, A. da S. ; CAICEDO, A. V. ; ROSÁRIO, C. J. R. M. do ; CAMPOS-SILVA, J. V. . Transdisciplinarity is crucial to reformulate a sustainable future for the Amazon. In: Carlos A. Joly; Alice R. de Moraes; Érica Spéglish; Gabriela Brasci Berro; Simone Aparecida Vieira. (Org.). Amazon Dialogues: Contributions to the Debate About Sustainability and Inclusion. 1ed.São Carlos-SP: RIMA Editora, 2023, v. , p. 281-314.
Scientific Paper
Prist, P. R., Siliansky de Andreazzi, C., Vidal, M. M., Zambrana-Torrelio, C., Daszak, P., Carvalho, R. L., & Tambosi, L. R. (2023). Promoting landscapes with a low zoonotic disease risk through forest restoration: The need for comprehensive guidelines. Journal of Applied Ecology, 60, 1510–1521.
Scientific Paper
MANCINI, M. C., BARRETO, J. R., CARVALHO, R. L., MUYLAERT, R. L. ARRAIS, R. C., PRIST, P. R. (2024). Landscape Ecology Meets Disease Ecology in the Tropical America: Patterns, Trends, and Future Directions. Current Landscape Ecology Reports, 1-32.
Scientific Paper

VALE, M. M., VIEIRA M. V., GRELLE, C. E., MANES, S., PIRES, A.P.F., TARDIN, R. H., WEBER, M. M., MENEZES, M. A. O’CONNOR, L. THUILLER, W.,TOURINHO, L. (2023). Ecosystem services delivered by Brazilian mammals: spatial and taxonomic patterns and comprehensive list of species. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation, v. 21, n. 4, p. 302-310.



METZGER, J. P. (2024). Biodiversity Research in 2024 – A global perspective with a focus on Latin America. Elsevier.