Rafael Chaves
BIOTA SINTESE´s Vice-director
Rafael Barreiro Chaves is an ecologist working as environmental specialist at the Secretariat for Environment, Infrastructure and Logistics of the State of São Paulo (SEMIL), Brazil. Since 2009, he has been developing environmental policy, programs, and regulation, mainly related to ecological restoration, but complementarily to biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services provisioning. His research is mostly focused on science-policy interface, and ecosystem restoration and monitoring. As vice-director of the Biota Synthesis Project, he now works to recognize and fill the gaps between the practical environmental policy needs and the knowledge available to inform it, co-constructing nature-based solutions in collaboration with a wide network of researchers, public agents and associated stakeholders. He is a member of the Atlantic Forest Restoration Pact’s coordination council and a former president of the Ecological Restoration Brazilian Society (SOBRE).
- ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2445-5926
- Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/4958940816437040
- Publons: https://publons.com/researcher/5055856/rafael-chaves/