Ricardo Ribeiro Rodrigues

Ricardo Ribeiro Rodrigues

Ricardo Ribeiro Rodrigues is full professor of Botany and Ecological Restoration in the Universidade de São Paulo, Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz”, Piracicaba, Brazil, with 33 years of work in research, training and restoration in different regions of Brazil, but particularly at the Atlantic Forest an Amazon. He coordinated several research projects, like the projects ‘Permanent Plots in São Paulo State, BIOTA/FAPESP’ (US$ 1,071,429), the ‘BIOTA/FAPESP Program’, the ‘Regional seed harvesting for ecological restoration’ (US$ 308,791.) and “Ecological restoration of riparian forests, productive native forests and human modified forest remnants based on restoration ecology” (US$ 1,688,253). This last research project was strongly increased in terms of results after a partnership with SESYNC (2016), which helped reorganize the project to support good public policies in forest restoration in Brazil. Ricardo also has many extension projects, such as a Program of Environmental Planning of Farms (over 48 projects, more than 4,250,000 ha) where it has more than 30,000 ha of areas under forest restoration, and training courses in ecological restoration throughout Brazil. He was the advisor on 99 theses. He has published over 268 scientific papers, 99 book chapters and books.