Denise Duarte
Denise Duarte is a Full Professor at the School of Architecture and Urbanism, University of Sao Paulo, currently Head of the Architecture and Urbanism Graduate Programme. She is a Visiting Professor at the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master´s Degree on Urban Climate and Sustainability (MUrCS/EU), in the last years supervising and co-supervising international Master (MUrCS) and PhD (TUM) candidates. Since 1999 working with urban microclimates, comfort and energy efficiency in buildings and cities, more recently she works in interdisciplinary projects funded by FAPESP, CNPq and USP regarding climate change adaptation for cities and buildings, including green and built-up structures. She is also a research partner at ‘CONEXUS: CO-producing Nature-based solutions and restored Ecosystems: transdisciplinary neXus for Urban Sustainability’ (EU/H2020). She serves as Expert Reviewer for the AR6 IPCC/WGII and in technical counselling for the public administration, with works referenced in public policies of the Sao Paulo municipality.
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