Natalia Macedo Ivanauskas
PhD at Plant Biology from State University of Campinas. At present is researcher and member of the Scientific Council of the Instituto de Pesquisas Ambientais of São Paulo state. Before that she was Assistant Professor at State University of Mato Grosso and Researcher at the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation, in the fields of Ecosystem Characterization and Cartography. She has developed research on the ecology of natural plant communities, especially on tropical forests, araucaria forests and highland grasslands, aiming to produce information for the conservation and management of natural ecosystems, as well as to subsidize public policies. She has been involved in Territorial Action Plans for endangered species and in the National Strategy for Invasive Exotic Species. Currently she coordinates the chapter of the Brazilian Diagnosis on Invasive Exotic Species, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services of the Brazilian Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services and the Center for Specialists in Ecology Plants of the Brazilian Botanical Society. In the state of São Paulo, she is member of the Management Plans Committee, acts as a Technical Analyst at FEHIDRO and is leading the planning and implementation of a vegetation management for Conservation Units.
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