Luiz Carlos Estraviz Rodriguez
Luiz Carlos Estraviz Rodriguez is a full professor and head of the Department of Forest Sciences at the Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture in the University of São Paulo, where he leads the area of Quantitative Methods in Forest Management. He has supervised graduate students in Forest Economics and Management since 1994, and starting in 2008 he has pioneered innovative applications of LiDAR active remote sensing to monitor the dynamics of forest growth. Currently he is the Brazilian coordinator in the DecisionES project, a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Plan focused on (i) monitoring forests and ecosystem services under different climate change scenarios; (ii) integrating ecosystems management plans and policies that effectively improve the continuous provision of ecosystem services; (iii) developing computer-based tools that support public decision making; and (iv) making information about multi stakeholder decision support systems openly accessible.
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