Rafael Barreiro ChavesBIOTA-S-Suporte2023-07-04T09:43:39-03:00 Rafael Barreiro Chaves Vice-diretor do Biota Síntese Rafael Barreiro Chaves is an ecologist working as environmental specialist at the Secretariat for…
Ricardo Ribeiro RodriguesBIOTA-S-Suporte2022-04-04T14:20:44-03:00 Ricardo Ribeiro Rodrigues Ricardo Ribeiro Rodrigues is full professor of Botany and Ecological Restoration in the Universidade…
Luiz Carlos Estraviz RodriguezBIOTA-S-Suporte2022-04-04T14:19:13-03:00 Luiz Carlos Estraviz Rodriguez Luiz Carlos Estraviz Rodriguez is a full professor and head of the Department of…
Paulo Guilherme MolinBIOTA-S-Suporte2022-04-04T14:18:07-03:00 Paulo Guilherme Molin Paulo Guilherme Molin is a professor at the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar), Center…
Pedro H. S. BrancalionBIOTA-S-Suporte2022-04-04T14:15:21-03:00 Pedro H. S. Brancalion Pedro H. S. Brancalion is an associate professor at the Department of Forest Sciences,…
Kaline de MelloBIOTA-S-Suporte2022-11-04T01:56:53-03:00 Kaline de Mello Kaline de Mello is a research fellow at the Federal University of São Carlos…
Natalia Macedo IvanauskasAZIZ SALEM2023-03-20T09:41:11-03:00 Natalia Macedo Ivanauskas PhD at Plant Biology from State University of Campinas. At present is researcher and…
Nathália NascimentoBIOTA-S-Suporte2022-10-21T17:00:53-03:00 Nathália Nascimento Pós-docs Nathália is a geographer (UFPa), Ph.D. in Earth System Science (INPE) and develops research…
Pedro Medrado KrainovicBIOTA-S-Suporte2022-10-21T16:58:54-03:00 Pedro Medrado Krainovic Pós-docs Pedro Krainovic is a forestry engineer (UFRRJ) and a Ph.D. in Tropical Forest Sciences…